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Bar concept since 1950

Cooling table since 1950 Standard
- Doors load up to 120KG doors can be freely combined 100% stainless steel with circulating air evaporator

5 lengths ready to plug in

- 930/1100/1510/1630/2090/2160/2650mm

3 depths

- 580/680 / 780mm

4 heights

- 510/820/850 / 900mm

Special construction

Everything is possible, we are happy to build anything outside of any standard.

Getränketheke, Biertheke, Kühltheke, Kühlpult, Umluftvitrinen, Cocktailbar, Edelstahlküchen, Sonderbau, Handarbeit, SB Vitrinen, Kühlwannen, Umluftwannen, Custom made, Barkonzept, Edelstahlmöbel, Barkonzept, VonHauser, Bottlecooler, Coolingdesk, Refrigerated counters, Refrigerated Display Cases,Built in refrigerated display,Countertop,Edelstahlmöbel Kühlmöbel,Fertigung,Vitrinen Umluftvitrinen

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