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Getränketheke, Biertheke, Kühltheke, Kühlpult, Umluftvitrinen, Cocktailbar, Edelstahlküchen, Sonderbau, Handarbeit, SB Vitrinen, Kühlwannen, Umluftwannen, Custom made, Barkonzept, Edelstahlmöbel, Barkonzept, VonHauser, Bottlecooler, Coolingdesk, Refrigerated counters, Refrigerated Display Cases,Built in refrigerated display,Countertop,Edelstahlmöbel Kühlmöbel,Fertigung,Vitrinen Umluftvitrinen
Cocktail station - bar element
Housing: completely stainless steel, ground operating side.
Base: all around, made of stainless steel (any height possible) or feet
Cooling system: with or without cooling
Equipment according to customer requirements: garbage truck, speed rack, cocktail basin, ice basin, cutting board, cut-outs for containers and much more.
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